Friday 7 June 2019

Showtime! Resources for the director/stage manager


It's showtime! Preparing for a school show can be stressful, with so many moving parts and people to coordinate. So, here are some of the useful documents I've collected/created over the past few years teaching drama. If you are a new drama teacher or looking to refine your process, these may come in useful. Click on the title of each document to access a GoogleDrive link.

(Thanks to James Lehmann for many of these. Credit also to Ellie Bryce.)

Cast and Crew Call Sheet

A list of the possible roles and responsibilities for a show, with space to add contact details for quickly reaching people during rehearsals, etc.

Rehearsal Schedule

A quick setup for planning your rehearsal schedule. Quick tip: If you have a large cast, divide your script into parts (4 or 5 for example) to rehearse on different days so not everyone is required all the time. It makes it much easier than managing a large group. 

Scene Map by Character

See who is in which scene at a glance. Useful for the cast to see their trajectory through the piece, and for your Stage Manager to call cast to the stage during rehearsals. 

Properties List

List all the props and their locations, quantities, notes, etc. 

Sound Cues List

Sound cues list, with scene numbers, pages, and cue notes. 

Show Start-Up Procedure

This one would need adapting to your own theatre set-up, but it is a comprehensive look at what needs to happen in the run up to the show. A good starting point to build your own version at least!

Hopefully you find one or two of these useful. If you have other documents in this same vain, I'd love to see them!


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